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Effective Ways Glutathione (GSH) Can Ease Parkinson's Disease Symptoms

Jun 20, 2024
Effective Ways Glutathione (GSH) Can Ease Parkinson's Disease Symptoms
While you’re waiting for a Parkinson’s disease cure, make the most out of life by lessening the severity of your symptoms. Here’s how glutathione gives hope to millions of Americans suffering from this debilitating condition.

We don’t have to tell you that Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder. As one of more than 10 million people around the world living with the devastating effects, you know more about the disease than most. You may even know that it stems from low dopamine levels that lead to tremors, mobility problems, and stiffness. 

However, we may have some treatment information you don’t know about — glutathione.

Our board-certified neurologists at Advanced Medical Care in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, diagnose and treat all types of neurological diseases and conditions, including Parkinson’s. One of our most effective treatments is glutathione, and our experts are here to explain the benefits. 

Getting to know glutathione

Your liver produces glutathione naturally. Technically, it's a tripeptide, meaning it has three molecules called amino acids, and it supports multiple functions throughout your body, such as:

  • Keeping your immune system healthy
  • Making DNA
  • Flushing mercury out of your brain
  • Regenerating certain vitamins like E and C
  • Improving insulin sensitivity

However, glutathione’s most important job is to use its antioxidant powers to neutralize free radicals — rogue molecules with an uneven number of electrons. Too many free radicals in your system create an oxidative stress situation. The good news is that glutathione is a master antioxidant that seeks out free radicals and lends them extra electrons to neutralize them and restore balance. 

The link between glutathione and Parkinson’s disease

Several things can lower your glutathione levels — smoking, poor diet, stress, age, and, yes, Parkinson’s disease. And as we’ve discussed, glutathione deficiency can lead to oxidative stress. 

And that’s the connection — Parkinson's disease and oxidative stress go hand-in-hand. Fortunately, glutathione mitigates the damage caused by free radicals through its antioxidant properties. 

Studies show glutathione treatments have remarkable therapeutic benefits in Parkinson's disease patients, including:

  • Improved motor symptoms
  • Protection against oxidative stress damage
  • Fewer free radicals

You can find glutathione supplements without a prescription, and they don’t even require the Food and Drug Administration’s approval. But don’t be fooled by online suppliers — oral supplements aren’t effective because your body absorbs most of it before it gets to your brain. Intranasal sprays are also available, but they’re poorly regulated and ineffective. 

If we determine that glutathione may address your Parkinson’s disease symptoms, we administer it via injection or intravenously. It's important to note, however, that not all Parkinson's patients may be suitable for glutathione treatment, and other treatment options may be necessary.

If you have Parkinson's disease, talk with our Advanced Medical Center team about the potential benefits of glutathione treatment. Call or use our online booking feature to schedule an appointment. 

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