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Syncope services offered in Forest Hills, Queens, and Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York

Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness with a quick recovery. It’s caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain. Though syncope is not a symptom most people need to worry about, the multispecialty team at Advanced Medical Care in Brighton Beach (Brooklyn) and Forest Hills (Queens), New York, recommends getting yourself checked out. Syncope can be a symptom of serious health problems like heart disease. Call the office nearest you today or schedule an appointment online.

What is syncope?

Syncope, also called fainting, is a condition that occurs when there’s a restriction in blood flow to the brain, resulting in a temporary loss of consciousness. This might happen when there’s a sudden drop in blood pressure or heart rate.

You regain consciousness within seconds or minutes following the event but will feel tired or confused. You can expect to fully recover within minutes or hours.

Though not always a serious health concern, syncope is a symptom that benefits from an exam.

What types of syncope are there?

The experienced Advanced Medical Care team classifies syncope into types based on its cause. Some causes are medical, while others are situational. Types of syncope include:

Carotid sinus syncope

Carotid sinus syncope occurs when there’s pressure on the carotid artery in the neck, restricting blood flow to the brain. This can be caused by specific neck movements or wearing a shirt with a tight collar.

Situational syncope

Situational syncope is fainting from events like intense anxiety, dehydration, or getting your blood drawn that affect your nervous system.

Vasovagal syncope

Vasovagal syncope occurs when there’s a sudden drop in blood pressure. It’s the most common type and often happens when you stand up too fast or stand for too long.

Cardiac syncope

Cardiac syncope refers to heart conditions like congestive heart failure (CHF) or a cardiac arrhythmia that affect circulation throughout the body.

Cerebrovascular syncope

Cerebrovascular syncope refers to fainting from a stroke or aneurysm.

Both cardiac and cerebrovascular syncope can trigger a convulsive syncope episode, a seizurelike reaction caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.

What can I expect during an evaluation for syncope?

You can expect a comprehensive and patient-centered evaluation when you visit Advanced Medical Care for syncope. The team asks detailed questions about your symptoms and when they occur. They review your medical history and complete a physical exam.

The team also does several tests to find the root cause of your syncope. Testing can include lab work, an electrocardiogram (EKG), an echocardiogram, and/or a stress test.

Once the team uncovers the cause of your syncope, they discuss their findings and their recommended treatment plan with you. Treatment can include medication and lifestyle changes. If no cause is found, the team asks you to closely monitor the activities that cause you to faint and share your findings with them.

Syncope isn’t always a serious health concern, but it’s also not a symptom to ignore. Call Advanced Medical Care today or book an appointment online to find out what’s causing you to faint.


At Advanced Medical Care, our board-certified physicians provide thorough diagnoses and effective treatments in a safe and friendly environment. As a modern, multi-specialty practice, we have an elite team of doctors ready to provide personalized and attentive care.

Our providers have years of experience in their fields, enabling us to offer technologically advanced, safe and effective treatments. Connect with our team today to see how we can help you achieve your health goals.
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